A spot grind that goes all the way through the polypropylene, creating a hole in the heel of the orthosis. Allows the orthosis to sit very low in the shoe.
The inferior surface of the heel of orthotic shell is ground to increase the contact area and to stabilize or invert the orthosis at heel contact without adding an extrinsic
A rearfoot post in which only the distal half of the post is applied. This leaves the proximal heel of the orthosis free of posting and facilitates fit in dress
Material added to the inferior surface of the heel of the orthotic shell to increase the contact area and to stabilize or invert the orthosis at heel contact.
A forefoot extension designed to offweight specific metatatarsal heads by creating a circular aperture under the metatarsal head that is to be offweighted.
A forefoot extension designed to offweight specific metatatarsal heads by creating a rectangular aperture under the metatarsal head that is to be offweighted.
Material extends from distal aspect of shell to level of sulcus and is thicker laterally and tapers until there is no material under the 1st metatarsal head. Designed to support
Material extends from distal aspect of shell to level of sulcus and is thicker medially and tapers until there is no material under the 5th metatarsal head. Designed to support
Material extends from the distal aspect of shell to the sulcus under 2-5 metatarsal heads to increase first ray range of motion. Default material: Korex.
Material added under the first metatarsalphalangeal joint from the distal end of the orthotic shell. Designed to limit first metatarsalphalangeal range of motion. Default material: Korex.