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Prescribing Orthotic Devices for Patients who Require Steel-Toed Shoes

Prescribing Orthotic Devices for Patients who Require Steel-Toed Shoes

It is sometimes difficult to fit orthosis for patients who are required to wear steel-toed shoes at work. The reason for this is simply that the number of available steel-toed shoes is somewhat limited and patients simply cannot find a shoe that is comfortable for them and fits well with a foot orthosis.

An option for these patients is to have them wear their standard walking or running shoes and then to purchase a pair of “steel toe overshoes”. These are just what they sound like – essentially they are galoshes with steel toes built in that pull on over a regular shoe.

You can take a look at them here. This brand is made by

The Oshatoes option allows patients to wear the most comfortable shoes that work best with their orthoses but still have the protection that is often required for their work

ProLab takes a scientific approach with our orthoses by integrating evidence-based medicine into orthotic therapy. Our team of Medical Consultants regularly evaluates the medical literature pertaining to orthotic therapy and biomechanics. ProLab clients are encouraged to contact a Medical Consultant whenever they have questions about an orthotic prescription.

For an easy way to stay up-to-date on evidence-based orthotic therapy, subscribe to our free newsletter below.

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