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Category: Orthoses

Category: Orthoses

Over Corrected Cavus Foot Orthotics

Just saw a patient in the office with the complaint of increased ankle sprains since he got his new orthotics. He stopped wearing them since he thought maybe they were

Setting Realistic Patient Expectations

Setting realistic patient expectations is a critical aspect of orthotic therapy and is often overlooked. You can improve your orthotic compliance, acceptance, and treatment success by educating your patients as

Orthotic Width: It’s All Relative

I recently spoke with a doctor who noted on one of his prescription forms that he wanted an orthosis to “control servere pes planus” and yet prescribed a “narrow” orthosis.

Are P3 Prefabricated Orthotics Adjustable?

I use a lot of prefabricated orthosis in my practice. They are usually my first line treatment for a majority of the mechanical conditions I treat including plantar fasciitis, hallux