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Category: Orthoses

Category: Orthoses

Should Prefabricated Orthoses have Top Covers?

I was recently asked “should prefabricated orthoses have top covers?” The answer depends on the pathology. Whether you are providing a prefabricated or custom orthosis, your treatment goal should be

How Rigid Should a Prefabricated Orthosis Be?

In last month’s webinar on the treatment of plantar fasciitis with prefabricated orthosis, a participant asked how rigid should prefabricated orthosis be. The answer to this is the same as

Orthosis for Calcaneal-Cuboid Pain

I consulted with a ProLab client recently regarding a patient with pain at the calcaneal cuboid joint. He apparently has a fairly stable foot with mild eversion of the heel

Waterproof Foot Orthotics

I see a bunch of kids in the office for orthotics and many of them see me frequently for new top covers. The most frequent reason, is: the orthotics got

Do You Need Covers On Ski Orthotics?

It is common to have full length covers on ski orthotics. Traditionally, a fairly rigid cover will cover the orthosis and extend all the way to the toes. When using

Are P3 Prefabricated Orthotics Adjustable?

I use a lot of prefabricated orthosis in my practice. They are usually my first line treatment for a majority of the mechanical conditions I treat including plantar fasciitis, hallux