A ProLab client called me with a question regarding a patient who is feeling that his orthoses are very comfortable when he is walking on them but they are feeling
A fairly common complication for patients with cavus foot type who begin wearing orthosis is to develop pain on the dorsum of the foot secondary to shoe pressure. Without orthotic
A ProLab client called recently for a consult regarding a patient who is an 11-year-old soccer player and experiencing pain at the styloid process bilateral. The child has a metatarsus
Soccer, lacrosse, and ultimate Frisbee are becoming more and more popular throughout the country. What ties these three sports together is the fact that most participants wear soccer shoes when
I had a consult call from a ProLab client this afternoon. He has a patient who suffered a midfoot fracture at the base of the fourth and fifth metatarsal shafts.
I was recently asked “should prefabricated orthoses have top covers?” The answer depends on the pathology. Whether you are providing a prefabricated or custom orthosis, your treatment goal should be
In last month’s webinar on the treatment of plantar fasciitis with prefabricated orthosis, a participant asked how rigid should prefabricated orthosis be. The answer to this is the same as
I consulted with a ProLab client recently regarding a patient with pain at the calcaneal cuboid joint. He apparently has a fairly stable foot with mild eversion of the heel
Last month, I gave a Webinar on the use of prefabricated orthotics for treatment of plantar fasciitis. In that webinar we reviewed the most effective orthotic modifications for treatment of
A fairly common complaint that I hear in my office is that of patients saying that their heel is slipping up inside one or more shoes when they wear their